Seminarios web de la industria

China Focus – Student Recruitment Insights Webinar - (on demand)

Publicado en: septiembre 13, 2023

Join us for an insights-led webinar for a deep dive into pressing factors that affect the international student landscape and foreign student interests to study in China. Session will be conducted in Mandarin. 

加入本场线上研讨会,会议将由主讲嘉宾Sally Zhang以普通话为大家带来 - 深入探讨影响国际学生在中国学习来华留学的决定因素以及中国高校招收国际学生的战略等议题。


Our Panel Member - Sally Zhang

With over 10 years of professional experience in the international education industry and business management studying experience in both China and America, Sally is uniquely positioned to understand the market landscape deeply. Her profound insights in international student recruitment equip her with the expertise to provide high-quality professional consulting and support for universities' globalization efforts. 

To view this webinar on demand simply complete the form below.