Industry Webinars

Empoderando a las instituciones latinoamericanas: conviértase en una universidad de clase mundial a través de la excelencia en investigación - (on demand)

Publié le: mars 29, 2024

Revolucione el enfoque de investigación de su institución y eleve su impacto global. 

El equipo de Consultoría y Asesoramiento de QS invita exclusivamente a las universidades de Latinoamérica a explorar cómo cultivar iniciativas de investigación de vanguardia, amplificar el reconocimiento académico y fomentar colaboraciones dinámicas con entidades globales.  

  • Explore alternativas para la productividad en investigación 
  • Identifique áreas de investigación con impacto  
  • Atraiga las alianzas adecuadas  
Our Panel Member - Habib Fardoun

Prof. Habib Fardoun holds a Ph.D. in Model-Based Approach for the Development of Quality Higher Educational Environments (2011) from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. 

 Prof. Fardoun brings extensive experience in implementing effective solutions to enhance universities' rankings, in the MENA region and Europe. He has diversified his work across several areas that are key factors to improving academic and research reputation. And advising on strategies to improve rankings, including enhancing research output, improving teaching quality, and optimizing internationalization efforts.  Prof. Fardoun develop customized, short-term, and long-term, ranking improvement plans tailored to the specific needs and goals of each institution, providing ongoing support and guidance to help universities achieve their ranking targets towards excellence. 

Our Panel Member - Nilly Castano

Nilly is Consultant at QS. Prior to joining QS in 2021, Nilly worked in strategic leadership roles within the higher education sector in Germany and Colombia for over 10 years. Nilly’s expertise lies in Product Management for QS Analytics; Academic Programmes Management – Curriculum Planning, implementation, quality assurance and evaluation; Online learning – building, maintaining, and improving e-learning educational offer and Global Engagement, and Sustainability. Nilly holds a MA Latin American Studies - Political Sciences (Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III), and a BA in International Relations (HEI - Paris).  

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