Industry Webinars

Insights for impact: LATAM - (on demand)

Publié le: septembre 20, 2023

Join our webinar for a 60-minute summary of the changes, challenges and opportunities impacting the higher education landscape in LATAM . There will also be an opportunity for Q&A with our experts.

By attending, you’ll gain actionable insights to help you improve your institution’s global reputation, performance and internationalisation.

Our expert panel members will share insights on the following topics.

  • Changes in the higher education environment – shifts in international student flows and how the LATAM higher education sector is set up to operate in an increasingly competitive international student recruitment environment. 
  • Exploring emerging trends – employability and sustainability and how institutions and the sector are responding.
  • Shifts in student demands – the profile of students, prospective student decision-making and the role of rankings and third-party accreditations in influencing where students choose to study.  
  • How to increase global reputation – the role reputation plays in student decision-making and student recruitment, and how institutions perform compared to their peers.
  • Partnership opportunities – where most research partnerships thrive, how LATAM’s institutions compare against peers on international research network strength and the link between research and reputation and student recruitment trends. 
Our Panel Member - Juan Carlos

Juan is an expert in global higher education with a master's degree in management. He oversees customer experience strategy globally for QS. He was appointed into his current role after five years as QS Regional Director for Latin America. His vision is built on 20 years of professional experience in the sector. He has worked at universities in Latin America, the Middle East, and Europe.

Our Panel Member - Alex Berka

With over ten years of experience working in market research, Alex is the Insights Manager at QS and oversees the analysis and design of a range of research projects they conduct. Alex has previously been part of a number of market research agencies, working with a diverse range of clients across multiple sectors.

Since joining QS in 2017, he has managed the International Student Survey - the world’s largest survey of pre-enrolled international students, and the Employers Survey - the world’s largest survey of graduate employers. Alex’s work on these surveys focuses on bringing the student and employer viewpoints to life, ensuring their voices are heard across the sector and highlighting how their expectations align (or do not align) with those of universities.

He is well versed in drawing actionable insights from surveys and the findings of his analysis have been covered in a variety of industry publications, including PIE news and Study International, as well as wider news publications, including The Financial Times. 

Our Panel Member - Elson Freire

Bachelor of Business Administration and an MBA from Eastern Michigan University and more than 15 years of dedication to the higher education sector, eager to forge meaningful alliances between universities, governmental and non-governmental entities in the Latin American and Caribbean region to improve student outcomes, which ultimately represents a benefit to society as a whole. Elson's goal is to help develop solutions to some of the pressing challenges facing academic institutions and entities. International minded, 28 amazing countries visited, speaking Portuguese, English, Spanish and French (learning Italian in spare time), skills that he has developed in personal and professional intercultural experiences in LATAM (incl. Brazil) the Caribbean, USA, Asia and Europe.

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